Urban Tree Project

Urban Tree Project is a living, working construct, which furnishes a valuable and comprehensive database of people and places that are of specific importance to the subject of communities of interest engaged with heritage, agriculture, ecology and architecture. As a collective, UTP works at the intersection of practice and business, meeting people from local communities, educational institutes, city and county authorities, N.G.O.’s, State Departments and other artistic and creative endeavours.

The participation in Urban Tree Project has rekindled a true sense of community spirit in the area and a renewed purpose in maintaining the environs. The fulfillment of this project will gel the community and its sense of ownership and pride in its environment together with serving the practical purpose of enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the estate.                     

-Maggie Jardine, Resident, Castletroy View


Setting the Seeds of Restoration

UTP is a socially engaged art practice which approaches work towards affecting change through interventions and discourse in the field of interdisciplinary research, to shape political, cultural, and ethical dialogue and action. Within the art making process, the practice emphasizes people in relationships to each other and their surroundings. The aim is to bring the cultural agenda to the heart of the body politic and to advocate a positive step in promoting change at local level by re- imagining the future of place and space within the city towards the restoration of the present and beyond. Space is always associated with the social relationships that are generated within the logic of place; space revolves around people occupying, owning, seizing, developing, and re-claiming place.


Links (click on images below)

Urban Tree Project - Park(ing) Day



Urban Tree Project on Facebook